- A B O U T -
Welcome to SPHERELESS - but what does it mean?
A sphere, In its simplest form, is a volume limited by a single outer surface. No matter the size, this surface defines the spheres capacity.
We exist inside a sphere we call Earth. Very few have escaped, and no-one has left indefinitely.
Within our earth-sphere; the power of people and organisations are restricted, they have a limit of exclusivity - a so-called ‘sphere’ of influence.
Sphereless Photo is photography without limits. Well, that’s my future vision…
Who am I?
Hey - My name is Tom, and I am Sphereless: A travel photographer, wanderer, and boundary breaker from the UK, who’s spent the last decade living all over the world.
I love taking photos of people in their element, and I endeavor to capture vivid moments; those where a single photo can tell a story from across the world…
What’s the goal?
Constant improvement. I’m critical of my work (perhaps from my design background), but for me, Photography has been a learning journey, and mostly self-taught.
I believe to be a good photographer, you need to be fearless. With every new challenge, environment, or country, your comfort zone grows: you break into a new sphere.
I know I can always be better; shoot faster, push closer, travel further, edit longer…. and - be more sphereless.
Cool! How can I find out more?
You’re still here?… Okay, now for the fun part! Use the navigation menu to browse my work, or click -TRAVEL- to explore some of the countries I’ve lived in.
If you want to know more about me or get in touch, you’ll find a copy of my CV at the bottom. I’m currently based in Australia and always open to creative collaboration!
- CV -
If you’re an Australia-based employer, or you’d like to get in touch please use the e-mail address sphereless.tom@gmail.com